Today I decided to start a blog, it may take some time from me to be completely committed to do it, but I found blogging extremely interesting, I still don't have a plan on what I am going to blog about, but I know time will help me decide...
Here is one of my favorite pictures... I am taking photography classes and I am happy that I am improving my technics, I don't have idea why, but lately night photography is something I am enjoying... Can't wait for summer to be here so I can spend more time out ;)
Woow if you write as you take pictures.. this will be a success.. hope you never get enough and always share the way you see the world!! keep going :) Love your pics!!
Woow if you write as you take pictures.. this will be a success.. hope you never get enough and always share the way you see the world!! keep going :) Love your pics!!
Thanks Pau (: I just listen to my internal voice through you my dear friend!
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